Loss of transient receptor potential channel 5 causes obesity and postpartum depression

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Loss of transient receptor potential channel 5 causes obesity and postpartum depressionDisruption of TRPC5, a brain-expressed cation channel, causes obesity, maladaptive behavior, and postpartum depression in humans and mice. Acting on hypothalamic Pomc and oxytocin neurons, TRPC5 regulates instinctive behaviors such as feeding, arousal, social interaction, and maternal care, which are fundamental for survival.Disruption of TRPC5, a brain-expressed cation channel, causes obesity, maladaptive behavior, and postpartum depression in humans and mice. Acting on hypothalamic Pomc and oxytocin neurons, TRPC5 regulates instinctive behaviors such as feeding, arousal, social interaction, and maternal care, which are fundamental for survival.Yongxiang Li, Tessa M. Cacciottolo, Na Yin, Yang He, Hesong Liu, Hailan Liu, Yuxue Yang, Elana Henning, Julia M. Keogh, Katherine Lawler, Edson Mendes de Oliveira, Eugene J. Gardner, Katherine A. Kentistou, Panayiotis Laouris, Rebecca Bounds, Ken K. Ong, John R.B. Perry, Inês Barroso, Longlong Tu, Jonathan C. Bean, Meng Yu, Kristine M. Conde, Mengjie Wang, Olivia Ginnard, Xing Fang, Lydia Tong, Junying Han, Tia Darwich, Kevin W. Williams, Yongjie Yang, Chunmei Wang, Shelagh Joss, Helen V. Firth, Yong Xu, I. Sadaf Farooqihttps://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)00641-X?rss=yeshttp://www.cell.com/cell/inpress.rssCellCell RSS feed.Wireless News CampaignJuly 3, 2024

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